Monday, January 17, 2011

A Beautiful Mind

One of the four adjectives is maladaptive.  This is where you have trouble adjusting to situations.  An example from the movie is when John avoided the pen room bcause they wouldnt let John in the first time he wanted to go in.  Another adjective is Unjustifiable, this is where you can not give a reason for an action.  An example would be when John was seeing delusions of other people.  Example of disturbing of when John was writing on the windows figuring out math problems.  Usually people just figure it out on paper they dont typically write on the windows.  The last adjective is Atypical, Atypical is when you have unusual behaviors.  An example would be when he was giving the baby a bath, he thought someone else was watching the kid.  John did not go check on the kid because he thought his roomate Charles was watching the baby. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dreams and Latent Content

1. A reoccuring dream i have is right before like a sporting event i always have a dream about it.  If it is basketball, golf, volleyball, anything really. 

2. Another reoccuring dream i have is when i feel like im falling and then i always twitch and wake up.  I dont know why this is but it always feels weird. 

3. A dream i had the other night is i went out racing on the streets with one of my friends.  We drove 100 MPH past a cop, and then we had this huge high speed chase.  We both ended up in jail even though we split up in the chase.

Little Albert

No because they only did the test on one baby instead of multiple.  Also they only did the test once with Little Albert.  It became generalized because he was afraid of everything that they put in front of him.  Albert was afraid of any white fury thing you put in front of him.  John watson used the Unconditoned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Stimulus and Conditioned Response.